Hello there, I am a high-school student and at the end of the term I will have my exams in algebra. I was never a math genius , but this time I am really afraid that I won't be able to finish this course. I came across linear algebra ti 89 programs and a few other math problems that I can’t solve . the following topics really made me freak out : linear equations and angle suplements .Getting a tutor is impossible for me, because I don't have any money. Please help me!!
Hi dear, linear algebra ti 89 programs can be really tough if your concepts are not clear. I know this program , Algebrator which has helped many amateurs clarify their concepts. I have used this software many times when I was in college and I recommend it to every beginner.
Hey, Algebrator is one awesome tool ! I started using it when I was in my college . It’s been years since then, but I still use it occasionally. Take my word for it, it will really help you.
I definitely will try Algebrator! I didn't know that there are software like that, but since it's very simple to use I can't wait to give it a try ! Does anyone know where can I find this program ? I want to get it right now!
Locating the program is as simple , as kid’s play. You can go to: https://mathscitutor.com/percent-of-change.html for further details and access the program. I am convinced you will be pleased with it just as I was. What is more , it offers you a money back guarantee if you aren’t pleased .