Our users:
This algebra software provides my daughter with the ability to learn independently, offering facts and helpful hints before providing problems for her to solve. It's working out very well . . . I think the software lends itself nicely to helping students throughout the year by supplementing any materials they get in a regular classroom.
Kara Lyssa, WI
I just received your update, I am so happy I hooked up with you, its been the best thing for me and my learning. I love your program, thanks!
Keith Erich Johnston, KS
Your program so far has been great. I purchased this software for my 13 yr. old daughter who is having some problems in math. We have a tutor coming over to the house and between your software and him she got her first "A" in a very hard chapter test. As you might know sometimes when you see a different approach on a problem or sometimes just someone else showing you different ways to understand the problem that is all it takes. Your software seems to give this problem solving approach in a way that is easy to understand. Thanks again, the whole Turley family.
Jason Padrew, TX
I work as a Chemist in the biotech industry and found that no matter how I tried to help my daughter there just seemed to be too many years between our maths. Shes having difficulty with her algebra. A colleague suggested your product and he was right. Its given my daughter a sense of pride that she can now do all her homework on her own. Thanks.
R.G., Hawaii
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